Everything You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal

posted byMuse Dental GroupMay 4, 2021

Wisdom tooth removal involves removing the wisdom teeth which are located at the back of the mouth.

Although it is a routine procedure, some patients may feel some anxiety about having their wisdom teeth removed.

We hope this article provides some clarity about the procedure and why it might be necessary for your oral health.

In this article, we are going to be discussing:

How to Know if You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Wisdom teeth usually grow between the ages of 17 and 24 and can cause a number of problems if not removed.

Although wisdom teeth served an evolutionary purpose, they are no longer necessary for modern humans, hence why most people have them removed.

So, how do you know if you need to have your wisdom teeth removed?

The first reason one might need to have their wisdom teeth removed is if they are impacted, meaning that there is not enough room in the mouth for them to grow out. This can lead to some painful symptoms such as swollen and bleeding gums and jaw pain.

In some cases, you may not have any symptoms. Therefore, it is important to visit your dentist who will be able to take preventative measures before your teeth become impacted.

Second, one might need to remove their wisdom teeth if your teeth begin to grow incorrectly as a result of wisdom teeth overcrowding the mouth.

Overcrowding can cause the other teeth to move, making the smile crooked. A patient cannot get orthodontic procedures, such as braces or Invisalign, before having the wisdom teeth removed.

In some cases, there is enough room in the mouth for wisdom teeth, however, this is not the case for many patients.

Another very common symptom that signals the need for wisdom teeth removal is pain, especially when eating, a sign that your wisdom teeth are growing in.

It is important to make an appointment with your dentist anytime you feel pain or discomfort, it could be your wisdom teeth or another issue.

Why it is Important to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

It is important to get your wisdom teeth removed as early as possible. This is because the bones in the mouth become harder as we age, making it harder to remove the teeth.

There are a number of problems that may arise if wisdom teeth are not removed. In many cases, the removal of wisdom teeth is a preventative measure.

First, as mentioned earlier the teeth may be impacted, meaning there is not enough room for them to break through the surface of the gums.

This can lead to infection and the development of a cyst, further damaging the teeth and jaw.

Additionally, if the wisdom teeth break through the surface of the gums only partially, a flap of your gum can grow over, allowing food to get stuck or infection to occur.

Next, getting your wisdom teeth removed is important because not doing so leads to a higher risk of cavities or periodontitis (gum disease). This is because reaching this part of your mouth to brush and floss may be quite difficult.

Finally, wisdom teeth can grow improperly or cause overcrowding, affecting orthodontic treatments.

Wisdom Teeth Surgery: The Process

Wisdom teeth removal is different from the extraction of other teeth because the teeth may be more deeply impacted.

If the tooth is deeply impacted, the patient is referred to an oral surgeon to complete the procedure.

However, wisdom teeth removal is a simple procedure and all patients will be able to return home the same day.

What should you expect during the procedure?

First, you will be given a type of anesthesia depending on how complex the procedure is and your pain tolerance.

These include:

  • local anesthesia: the doctor will numb a certain area of your mouth and you will remain awake for the procedure
  • Sedation: a partial loss of consciousness, meaning you will have limited pain and limited memory of the procedure
  • General anesthesia: a full loss of consciousness, meaning you will feel no pain and have no memory of the procedure

Second, the surgeon removes the teeth by making an incision into the gum and removes the bone.

Next, the area from which the wisdom teeth were removed is cleaned and stitched up.

Once the procedure is finished, the anesthesia will wear off and you will be given a list of aftercare instructions. It is important to follow these instructions so that you heal properly.

Wisdom Teeth Surgery: Aftercare

As previously mentioned, there are a number of aftercare rules you should follow after your wisdom teeth removal procedure.

You will likely experience bleeding after the procedure. It is important to allow the blood to clot in the socket so that it can heal. Therefore, avoid spitting and replace the gauze placed over the socket.

Additionally, you will feel some pain after the procedure, especially once the anesthesia has worn off. Your dentist will prescribe painkillers for more complex procedures or you can mitigate the pain with over-the-counter medicine.

To limit swelling and bruising keep an ice pack on your face.

It is important to drink plenty of water and avoid smoking to keep the socket from drying out, which could inhibit proper healing. Do not drink any beverages with a straw as it could dislodge the blood clot and avoid hot, alcoholic, or carbonated drinks for 24 hours after the procedure.


Make an appointment with your dentist at Muse Dental Group today if you are in need of a consultation to determine if your wisdom teeth need to be removed.

Here at Muse Dental, we will provide you with the best care possible during your wisdom teeth removal and ensure you are comfortable during the procedure.

We understand that wisdom teeth removal can be nerve-wracking and can ensure that your procedure will be done with the utmost care.

Your smile is in great hands at Muse Dental Group!

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