How Much Does Tooth Crown Cost?

posted byMuse Dental GroupDecember 7, 2021

Tooth crowns have been used as a solution to restore the appearance and function of damaged teeth. These tooth-shaped covers help restore teeth and improve your smile.

When your dentist suggests you need a crown, two questions may arise: Which type of crown is best for me? And how much does it cost? If you plan on restoring your teeth with a crown, perhaps you are worried about the cost.

The crown is considered major cosmetology or restorative dentistry, and the cost depends on whether you have dental insurance and the kind of crown you select. Where you live also plays a significant role in determining the tooth crown cost.

In this article, we will be discussing the following:

What factors decide the Tooth Crown Cost?

Before getting a dental crown, we recommend knowing the average tooth crown cost to evaluate your options. As mentioned above, several factors determine the cost of the crown. Some of these factors are:

  • Degree of damage to the teeth
  • Types of materials used to create crowns
  • Crown size required
  • Insurance restrictions, deductions, and insurance company
  • Number of crowns required
  • The specific dentist or clinic you decide to go to

Why do you need a crown?

How can you be sure that you need a crown, inlay, or just filling before looking into different types of crowns and costs?

After a complete examination during your first office visit, your dentist will assess your particular case and guide you through possible treatments.

In general, some of the most common causes for getting a crown are:

  • Severe tooth decay or weakened teeth
  • To cover the implant
  • To replace a large filling
  • A natural tooth damaged or cracked
  • Teeth that have undergone root canal treatment (especially the posterior teeth
  • For aesthetic purposes: flatting the size, shape, and color of the teeth for a more beautiful smile

Types of tooth crowns

Five primary dental crowns are listed:

Porcelain fused to metal crowns

When porcelain and metal are heated together, the porcelain chemically combines with the oxides on the metal to form a lasting bond.

The metal crown with a fused porcelain tip is more robust than regular porcelain because a metal frame supports it. That also blends well with the teeth' natural shape, appearance, and function.

Metal & Gold Crowns

Metal crowns are available in different shapes and colors. They provide strong bonds, are resistant to fractures, and do not wear away teeth.

These crowns are usually made of gold, copper, and other metals. Some metal crowns are made from very strong and corrosion-resistant non-precious metals.

The crown requires the removal of the tooth structure before it can be placed. The metal-based crown requires minimal removal for a more conservative option.

Stainless Steel Crowns (SSCs)

Stainless steel crowns are used only to restore primary (milk) teeth. SSCs are placed after the pulp incision or when normal cavity filling, such as amalgam filling, is likely not to work.

Cosmetic Crowns (Ceramic)

The ceramic crown is made of porcelain. In dentistry, porcelain creates tooth-colored dental materials such as crowns that copy natural teeth' look, shape, and function.

The cosmetic crown restores the front teeth and blends in with the natural color of the teeth. They are robust, durable, and difficult to chip or break.

The most common substitute for all-ceramic crowns is metallic "zirconia."

All-Resin Crown

All-resin restorations are cheaper than metal, ceramic, gold, and porcelain crowns.

However, dentists do not usually recommend resin crowns because they are more susceptible to fractures, deterioration and do not last long.

Resin is a thinner and more brittle material than other dental restorations such as metal and porcelain. Resin restorations are used only on decayed deciduous teeth, not permanent teeth.

What is the average Tooth Crown Cost?

According to the estimates, the price range of crowns per tooth is:

  • Gold crown costs range from $ 600 to $ 2,500.
  • All-porcelain crowns can range from $ 800 to $ 3,000
  • A porcelain and cast metal crown can cost between $ 500 and $ 1,500.
  • Zirconia and E-max crowns are approximately the same prices as all-porcelain crowns.

You can cover about 50% of the crown if you have insurance. But it all depends on the type of insurance you have and your particular case.

Your insurance plan will probably cover the cost of the crown as part of a cosmetology treatment. However, if the treatment is prophylactic (to protect the root canal or repair a broken tooth), your insurance may cover the cost (or at least part of it).

How much does insurance pay for dental crowns?

On average, dental insurance helps you pay around $ 400 for a crown. The average price of a crown is about $ 900 with insurance and $ 1,300 without insurance. The porcelain crown may be slightly higher.

Which tooth crown is right for me?

The type of tooth crown required depends on the condition. Your dentist will help you determine which crown fits your teeth. Porcelain crowns are ideal for incisors because they provide a pleasing aesthetic.

However, they may match the original teeth' size, shape, and color. But porcelain crowns can also be fragile and break under heavy biting loads.

At the same time, base metal or gold alloy crowns may not mimic the appearance of natural teeth but can withstand a large number of bite forces. That makes it ideal for posterior molars.


The cost of a crown depends on the part of the country you live in and the type of crown you choose (for example, porcelain, and gold).

Crown costs typically range from $ 800 to $ 1700 or more per crown. Part of the cost of the crown is generally covered by insurance. Check with your dental insurance company.

Ask your dentist if you have a budget or payment plan or if you can afford to pay for one or two years without interest.

contact Muse Dental Group, if you need more information about tooth crown cost right now!

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