Where to Get Veneers In Los Angeles? Muse Dental Group

posted byMuse Dental GroupMay 18, 2021

If you are wondering where to get veneers in Los Angeles, Muse Dental Group is a perfect choice!

Veneers are a great way to achieve a beautiful smile quickly and without orthodontic treatments.

In this article, we are going to discuss:

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are a cosmetic dental solution to replace missing teeth or to perfect a patient’s smile.

Essentially, veneers are thin shells that are placed over the natural teeth and are made to look like the patient’s natural smile. Veneers are meant to be a permanent solution and are therefore bonded to the teeth.

Some patients choose to get veneers to perfect their smile without having to undergo orthodontic treatment, like braces or Invisalign.

However, there are a number of reasons a dentist might recommend veneers , such as:

  • Whiten teeth that cannot be whitened by bleaching
  • Fix teeth that have been chipped or worn down
  • Straighten crooked or misshapen teeth
  • Fix uneven spaces or large gaps between the front teeth

Unlike implants which require drilling into the gum and bone to place a tooth, veneers rest on the outside of the natural teeth. For many patients, this is great news! They will not have to undergo a surgical procedure.

Veneers are best for improving multiple teeth at once. But, they are not ideal for teeth that need structural reinforcement.

Veneers might not be for everyone, such as patients who grind their teeth or have a tendency of clenching their jaw. This could chip or break the veneers.

However, if a patient chooses to get veneers and is concerned about this, they can wear a nightguard to protect them from grinding.

The Process of Getting Veneers

Now, let’s talk about the process of getting veneers . Before you get veneers, there are a number of things to keep in mind.

First, it is important that the teeth and gums are healthy. In some cases, prior treatment must be done to treat disease or decay before placing the veneers.

Depending on the type of veneers the patient is getting, the process will differ slightly. However, for the two most common types, composite and porcelain, the first step is shaping and grinding down the natural tooth and removing some of the tooth’s enamel.

Enamel cannot grow back after it is removed, however, this part of the procedure is necessary in order for the veneers to fit or be properly bonded to the teeth.

There are also no-prep veneers that require less “prep” and therefore, the tooth under the enamel is not altered, making the process pain-free.

After you get veneers, it may take a few days to become accustomed to the feeling of them in your mouth. If you feel that your bite is off you are feeling discomfort, let your dentist know before you leave so that they can fix the problem.

Over time, your veneers can come loose, chip, or break. Let your dentist know if this happens so that they can repair or replace them.

It is important to maintain your oral hygiene after getting veneers, such as brushing and flossing because although your natural teeth are covered, you can get cavities under the veneers.

Types of Veneers

The two most common types of veneers are porcelain and composite.

Porcelain veneers are custom-made shells of porcelain that are placed onto the teeth. Before the veneers are created, a dentist will take an impression of the teeth to ensure that they will fit perfectly.

To prepare the teeth for porcelain veneers, the dentist will remove some of the enamel so that the custom-made veneers will fit in the mouth properly.

Additionally, they have a natural-looking surface and they do not stain easily.

On the other hand, composite veneers are made of bonding material that is placed onto the teeth. Since the natural teeth are simply reshaped to prepare for the composite, only a small amount of the natural enamel is removed, in comparison to porcelain veneers or crowns.

The composite is sculpted on the teeth and then hardened with the curing lamp. Finally, the teeth are polished to look more natural.

There are a number of benefits to choosing composite veneers, such as easy to fix and cost less.

While they are not as durable as porcelain veneers, composite veneers require less of the enamel to be removed and can be placed in the mouth more easily.

Where to Get Veneers in Los Angeles

Muse Dental Group is a dental office in Los Angeles that specializes in cosmetic dentistry.

Therefore if you are looking to get veneers in Los Angeles, you are in the right place.

The dentists at Muse Dental will evaluate your case and create custom veneers that will transform your smile!

If you are looking to restore your teeth or achieve that perfect smile, make an appointment with your dentist at Muse Dental!


Here at Muse Dental, we want to help you maintain your oral health and provide you with the best care possible. If you are looking into getting veneers and perfecting your smile, schedule an appointment with us today!

We’d love to have you for a checkup at Muse Dental Group with Dr. G. Bardakjian . He will evaluate your oral health and will ensure your veneers and customized and placed with the utmost care.

Your smile is in great hands at Muse Dental Group!

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